Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Be A Dominion-Taker

We're missing boldness from our Christianity. Christianity is not weak and wimpy. As soldiers of a heavenly kingdom, we do violence against forces of darkness each and every day.

Our program of violence is carried out in numerous ways. Sharing the gospel brings us into direct conflict with the enemy as we, by proclamation of the truth, speak words that threaten to shatter Satan's hold over hearts. Responding to crisis and challenge in a distinctly Christian way pushes back the evil in our own hearts and gains ground, if only a few inches, for the kingdom. Even working hard, with due diligence, installs over time a spirit of industry within us. Yes, it's true: Christianity's power is so great, it penetrates even to the filing cabinet.

You can file for Jesus. You can mop for Jesus. You can cash checks for Jesus. You can deliver Coke for Jesus. You can sell insurance for Jesus. You can shelve books for Jesus. Everything you do presents you with an opportunity to snatch a little glimmer of light for your Lord and to reflect it back to him. The Christian worldview is just an incredible thing. It gives us such purpose in life. It allows us to take dominion over this earth, to subdue the evils of our world and our hearts and to plant seeds of goodness for God. That's what taking dominion is. Instead of sitting back and letting weeds and life-choking vines to grow up in your little corner of the world, you grab your hack-saw and start clearing land for the One who's coming to redeem it. No moment is exempt from such pruning potential. Your conversations with your children present you, father, with the opportunity to speak words of love to your nearest and dearest. Your quiet but consistently excellent work at your desk, secretary, rises as a savor of goodness to your God. Your unselfish teamwork, ballplayer, shows a striking difference between the Christian athlete, who seeks the good of others, and the unsaved athlete, who all too often seeks only his own.

The Lord involves us all in advancing His kingdom. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking it's only the missionaries who do so. God has designed His world so that every corner, every inch and span, is to be claimed and redeemed for Him. As you go out this morning, go out not to clock hours and pass the day away. Go to whatever it is the Lord has you doing, and do it with energy, enthusiasm, and the mindset that you are putting the Enemy on his heels and claiming ground for the Victor who comes at an eye's blink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your unselfish teamwork, ballplayer, shows a striking difference between the Christian athlete, who seeks the good of others, and the unsaved athlete, who all too often seeks only his own."

I've always tried to exhibit a spirit of unselfishness in my pickup games at Duke with Mark Devers and again while playing with Davey Robinson. I liked the post, although I hear you mock my game.

--Fanny Ferry

3:02 AM  
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